وبحب الناس الرايقه .. اللي بتضحك على طول
اما العالم المتضايقه .. انا لأ مليش في دول
ومليش في الدمع لا لا ..
ولا في الناس الشياله
كل اللي فـ قلبه حاجه ..
اللي اتكلم ولــــــــــو at 7:23 PM
Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating
Your Birth Month is August |
You Are 0% Happy |
Your Spiritual Number is Two |
Whenever a situation or idea seems extreme, you try to lend some balance. Right now, your life is about benefiting from choices you've made in your past. You have done your best to be a good person, and it is starting to pay off. You are an idealist with interesting ideas. You can't help but see all of the beauty in the world. But you are also aware of the world and its limitations. You have realistic expectations. |
There's a 40% Chance That You Need Therapy |
Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating
What Your Sleeping Position Says |
You are Leonardo Da Vinci. You are artistic, and incredibly intelligent. You look at the world in a different way than most people, and you are very imaginative. Things that seem impossible to most people are easy for you. Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
Your Hidden Talent |
You will be famous for writing a national bestseller You are very observant and tend to be the wallflower at parties. You are intuitive and know just how to communicate everything that you are feeling to those around you. Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
Are you Good or Evil? |
You are mostly Good (70%), but still a bit Evil (30%) |
'Are You Good or Evil?' (QuizGalaxy.com) |
You Are Paper |
Your Dominant Intelligence is Intrapersonal Intelligence |
You are 7% Obsessive. | |
You are not obsessive. You know what is important and what is not, which keeps you level-headed. | |
'How Obsessive Are You?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
How long until you get married? | |
You will get married ... 16 to 25 years from now | |
'How long until you get married?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
The Picto-Personality TestWhen alone, you let it all hang out and ignore every social convention. You are romantic, and when you are with your partner you like to woo them with your imagination. In the future you will be very wealthy. You have the ambition and the drive to make a lot of money. |
Take this Test at QuizGalaxy.com |
الاغنية دي مجننانا كلنا
كلماتها حلوة فعلا
و انا كمان بحب الناس الرايقة ... اللى مش بتعقدها
حمد الله على السلامة
مش عارفة إيه موضوع الأغنية ديييييي !! أنا لحد دلوقتي أساسا مش سمعتها!! بس قرأتها مرتين على الفيس بوك عند صحباتي، ودي التالتة هنا على مدونتك
أنا كمان مليش في الناس الشيالة
البوست بيقول إنك بتبحب الناس الرايقة :). يبقى حمدلله على سلامة ولـــو بجد
:) يارب علطول مبســــوط
هو ده الكلام بس مين يعرف ومين يقول ومين يفهم
يااااااه ازيك ياباشمهندس اخبارك ايه فييييينك عامة مفيش احسن من الناس الرايقة واللهي ربنا يجعلنا منهم
خساره كان حلو اوى ياحاتم
بس غريبه حكايته شويه
فيه متناقضات كتير اوى
شلته ليه؟
ازيك ياعم الرايق
بقالي زمن مدخلتش
ياتري فاكرني
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